Wednesday, 1 June 2016

A day trip with the Yashica FX-3 and Rollei Infrared 400.

I've officially been freed from house arrest since Friday and on Sunday I took a trip with my buddy to the woods and walked down town for a while.

I've barely shot this year, January and February were too cold for me and I was ill during those months often. March was filled with a few days of the X-Pro 2 and then work on my house started and I ended up with a Bronica SQ-Ai and a 135W pano back. Over the last 80 or so days, the new X-Pro 2 and all my other cameras were abandoned while I had fun with the Bronica on the few days I could get to leave the house.

So with new found freedom, I went back to some old gear. My Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 and decided to try out an infrared film that's been sitting in my fridge waiting to be used. Not owning an R72 filter, I was really unsure on how to shoot it, forgetting about the IR focus scale on my lens (though that seemed to be pointless without a filter).

Some of the results were flawed due to my lack of light and lack of a steady hands but the shots that did turn out right were real nice.  As always, no quality is guaranteed.

I found the grain to be quite pleasing and it's relatively sharp too. I'd really love to shoot a bit more of this but I'd have to cough up some money for an R72 filter first. I still have a roll of 135 and 120 to shoot later, but we'll see if it makes an outing again.

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