Thursday, 3 December 2015

My first bad experience with eBay pt 1

Some people always used to badmouth eBay to me and I have had an on/off relationship with it since 2009 since I registered my own and current account. I've used it for the "little things" that people buy. Cables, hats, clothes, games, albums, cheap tat and recently when I picked up photography again I started using it to buy cameras and lenses.

Since 2009 I've had not one bad experience with eBay. I've had a near miss when trying to purchase a replacement flatbed for scanning comics in 2011 but thanks to the seller being sensible and having good communication skills a solution was reached near instantly. What was the terrible problem? The seller dropped the scanner while packing the item and sent me an e-mail within six hours of me paying for the item to apologise and refund. There's been the odd item that was lost in the post but almost every seller has quickly sent out a replacement or offered a refund.

I think it's fair to say that with my Amazon boycott going strong for over six months that I've come to like eBay. I hate auctions because of people engaging in bidding wars and I can't be bothered to wait for the item to end. Sometimes items are scheduled to end at odd hours of the day and you have to wonder why people can't just schedule a listing instead. Buy it now is the one area where eBay really shines along with the ability to restrict items only from within the European Union to avoid nasty import fees. There's a few things I'd change about the way it handles searches and tighter regulations on listings but otherwise I enjoy using it.

1 Year on. What's changed?

What a difference a year makes.

Last time I wrote a post here I was still employed and I was starting to have my first real serious issues with Hypermobility/Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

So what's happened? I quit my job, went back to college, completed college, went back again after the summer and dropped out due to illness. I got to see my favourite band perform in my own city and I became a recluse.
I also took up photography again and I get a bit of joy out of it despite being absolutely 
terrible. I shoot both digital and film and I'll continue to gearfag away until I can't photograph anymore.

I started to boycott Amazon (something that will continue) due to their use of Amazon Logistics.

It's been a really strange year. Who knows what the future holds. I'd like to hope that I can improve my situation a bit by going back outside more and getting back in shape. The EDS/HMS is a big pain but I have to stay positive. More to come maybe.