Friday, 14 November 2014


Or not.

My hand hurts so much today, and all I want to do is play Battlefield 4 until it's time to go to work tomorrow. Maybe another day.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Late night bloggin'

It's half twelve where I am, and I got work tomorrow but that won't stop me from making a long awaited post!

It's currently mid November which means there's just a little over two weeks until I hit 25. There's a lot of interesting things coming out around my birthday and I'm set to claim my inheritance.

I'll also be quitting my job soon, and I'll be free from the trials of working for a few weeks and applying to go back to college. I won't say that I'm scared of the change but I am scared of blowing the money on 6 months of college work that I don't really need. My plan is to go back and upgrade some of my qualifications, while also hoping to get in on a German class.

Hopefully if all goes well, I'll get a part time job or something while studying to save on money, advance into my chosen field and work for a few years before moving to another EU country (If we don't fuck up in 2017).
I'd love to buy a house in the UK/Edinburgh too, but property prices are so high here that I'd own a shit flat in the middle of Glenrothes for almost all my capital. I'd rather save a little over a couple of years making steady withdrawals to own a house somewhere else, If I don't like it I can always move back and rent the property.

I don't imagine I'll have a lot of spare time if I get into college, but if I do:

  • I'll be catching up on my backlog (previously updated when I broke my hand) and living the NEET life.
  • If I can be bothered I'll continue to post some game reviews, album reviews and some other stuff that I feel like sharing day to day
  • I may also start posting some reviews and stuff on Youtube/other sites if I can get over the fear of people hearing my monotonous voice.

It's time for me to embrace life and follow my dream, at the young age of 25. For years my mother wanted my inheritance age lowered, but I disagree and think this is the right time. Thanks to my Aunt I'm finally getting a second chance and there's a way out of the dire situation I've been in for some time.

Here's to the future!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Man, Oh Man, Do I ever have a backlog

I've been looking at my backlog, as I tried desperately to play some games in the past week (after I broke a bone in my hand). This led me to the horrible realisation that:
  1. I can't play games with a broken hand.
  2. I have a ton of games to actually play, or at least complete.
  3. While I can't play games, I may as well make a list of games I need to play.
  4. With more time to waste, I may as well make a post about a list of games I need to play

This worked out better than I thought, and I found it hard to hold back and not add every game like I initially planned, as this made me seem like even more of a failure as a human. Just take a look at the stats below and you'll see what I mean.

My "completed list" of games in my backlog.
So, I've added what I can while I wait for my hand to heal. And I'm pretty excited about reclaiming some of these games. After all, It's money that I have spent over the years that has not really went to use, and by playing games I will save money! (maybe not against my electricity bill, but surely towards other pursuits that would take my time and money). After a few years on Steam, and sales, you find your library looking a bit clogged, I'm ashamed that the "Recent" option only shows 122 games!

I've left out a majority of my PC games on Steam that I want/need to play, Since I don't want to increase my failure percentage.
So, What can you do when you've got a massive backlog of games/albums/shows to catch up on, and not enough hours in the day? My solution that's always worked for me is to take a break from the internet for a while. All too often I'll find myself come home from work to find myself making a beeline straight for the bathroom, but only after i've switched my computer on. So, once you've drained the snake, where is there to go? You log in, check your e-mail, check up on a few posts online, and it's been five to ten minutes since you came in the door. You're still in your work clothes, got a dog to take out and stuff to do!

This is the big problem I find, I have "stuff" to do online, this consists of nothing more than not wanting to miss out on anything! This was a big problem that my ex had, Instead of doing important things she would scroll through tumblr all day not wanting to miss out.
I'm as guilty of this as the next person, and it's why I've built up such a backlog. I need to get serious and distance myself from the internet for a while, so that I can get back to doing what I "Enjoy".
Years ago, I was in a different place, I identified as a gamer/nerd/enthusiast, and damn if I wasn't. My life was work, games, hardware. It was a more naive time in my life, where I had less bills or worries, but looking at my life from then to now, not much has changed, apart from the time I spend online desperately hoping I won't miss out on a little thing.

So, There's only one way I can fix this! I need to take back my "life" from the internet, come home and instantly head for something else to do, after all when you come home from work at 6PM, and look at the clock in your system tray to find out that it's 21:55 and you've achieved nothing more than a walk with your dog, You have to wonder what you're doing with your life. Sure, you're listening to music, taking in information, but are you really DOING anything, really ACHIEVING anything? Sometimes what matters most is just a little progress, and at the end of the day all some gamers want is that and a bit of fun.

You can find my backlog here. No doubt, I'll forget to update it, just like my blog/twitter etc, but I'll be happier if only I can score one item off that list!